View looking upward at the dome of the PA Capitol against a bright blue sky

CeaseFirePA PAC Gears Up for 2024 After Successful 2022/23 Elections

Gun Safety Candidates Won Up & Down the Ballot In Recent Election Cycles; CeaseFirePA PAC to Build on Momentum for Critical 2024 Election

PHILADELPHIA, March 22, 2024 – With the safety of our communities top-of-mind for many Pennsylvania voters in the 2024 General Election, CeaseFirePA Political Action Committee (PAC) is launching a renewed effort to support candidates for state-level office who champion gun violence prevention policies. The ambitious plans for this year’s elections build on recent successes in the 2022 General Election, where CeaseFirePA PAC-endorsed Josh Shapiro was elected Governor, Austin Davis was elected Lt. Governor, and the PA House of Representatives flipped to a gun safety-majority for the first time in over a decade. Subsequent victories by gun safety champions in a handful of 2023 Special Elections repeatedly upheld that State House gun safety majority. 

Over those two sets of elections, 80% CeaseFirePA PAC-endorsed candidates won. They have since been central to a historically-active legislative session in Harrisburg, where so far, three gun safety bills have passed the PA House with bipartisan support (see the latest).

“For too long, too many political candidates have been in the pocket of the gun industry, relying on their money to win elections. Then once in office, they’ve dutifully toed the line and blocked all movement on gun violence prevention legislation that is broadly supported by the vast majority of Pennsylvanians,” said Adam Garber, CeaseFirePA PAC’s Executive Director. “Well, two can play at that game. CeaseFirePA PAC will continue to play a pivotal – and growing – role in electing candidates who will champion gun safety policies that benefit everyday Pennsylvanians seeking safer communities – not legislation that pads the pockets of gun manufacturers and endangers us all.”
